

주택건설업의 고객가치창조기법 도입에 관한 연구


A Study on the Introduction of Customer Value Creation Method in Housing Construction Industry

오동훈, 송승호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to show a plan to induct a customer value creation method, which can be utilized for increasing sales, to housing construction industry by establishing a value creation theory to apply in this study through close examination of value creation theory, which was born from management area. For this, general examples applied to non-construction industry are analyzed to be a base of finding a scheme construction industry can utilize. Induction plans of customer value creation for housing construction industry's sale increase are as follows.First, customers should be classified. Second, characteristics of local markets should be merchandised. Third, grafting of culture, health, and entertainment should be tried. Fourth, products applying concepts of IT and All-In-One should be supplied. Fifth, continuous relationship with customers should be maintained. Sixth, inducting 4Cs on making marketing strategy are needed. Those 6 customer value creation methods are based on customer priority for preparation of changing market condition from supplier-oriented to demander -oriented. Through this study, it is considered that showing a plan to improve competitive power of housing construction industry can help to activate construction boom as well as housing construction industry in today's condition that hard landing of construction industry, which is an important circle of national economy, is now being concerned.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구범위 및 방법
 2. 고객가치창조에 대한 이론적 고찰
  2.1 고객가치창조에 관한 제 이론
  2.2 고객가치창조
  2.3 선행연구의 검토
  2.4 주택건설업에서 고객가치창조기법의 필요성
 3. 일반산업(비건설업) 고객가치창조 사례 분석
  3.1 시장전략
  3.2 고객전략
  3.3 제품전략
  3.4 관계마케팅 전략
 4. 주택건설업계 매출증대를 위한 고객가치창조 도입방안
  4.1 고객계층의 세분화
  4.2 지역시장 특성의 상품화
  4.3 문화, 건강, 만터테인먼트와의 접목
  4.4 IT와 All-in-One 개념의 적용
  4.5 고객과의 지속적 관계 유지
  4.6 4P에서 4C로
 5. 결론


  • 오동훈 Oh, Dong-Hoon. 서울시립대학교 부교수
  • 송승호 Song, Seung-Ho. (주lDeIco Asset 사원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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