

전남 다도해 연안 크루즈관광 사업의 기본구상에 관한 연구 - 전남 신안군을 사례로 -


A Study on the Development Plan of the Aegean Sea of Jeollanamdo in the Cruise Tourism Business - The Case Study of Sinan-gun in Jeollanamdo province -

나은영, 김형근, 고재용, 노창균, 장용기

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



These days the cruise tourism business is changing rapidly. This is due to three factors ; increase of the public's leisure time, increase in disposable income, and a renewed interest in other leisure areas - especially cruising. Meanwhile, the natural tourist potentials are well kept in the Aegean Sea of Jeollanamdo province, which, if its potentials were utilized to its fullest extent possible, would be evaluated as a new successful model in ocean tourist development in the Aegean Sea. Made only of islands, Sinan-Gun, Jeollanamdo is a ria coast of 1,734 kilometer long. With its Korea's largest ecological resources (331㎢) on its field along the shore of an estuary, it is playing the role of gateway to southwestern part of the country. Despite its rich tourism resources, marine tourism goods or cruise tourist business that links the coast and islands to inland tourist resorts have not properly been developed. The main reasons are excessive costs that follows the development of cruise, the uncertain profitability arising from the unclear outlook for demand, and the government's lack of understanding of cruise sightseeing. Accordingly, we will objectively evaluate the location in terms of tourist attractions according to the surroundings of the Aegean shore. In this study we will develop cruise tourist goods for the Aegean Sea, and propose it as an alternative, which should be resolved from the development perspective of Jeollanamdo province.


 1. 서론
 2. 해양관광사업의 현황
  2.1 크루즈 관광사업
  2.2 해양관광사업의 특성과 동향
 3. 전남 신안다도해의 입지 여건
 4. 전남 다도해 연안크루즈관광 사업의 개발방향
  4.1 다도해 연안 크루즈 항로 계획
  4.2 연안 크루즈 관광사업의 경제적 타당성 검토
  4.3 연안 크루즈 관광사업의 사회적 타당성검토
 5. 결론


  • 나은영 Na, Eun Young. 목포해양대학교 해양시스템공학부 강사
  • 김형근 Kim, Hyung Geun. 목포해양대학교 해양운송시스템학부 교수
  • 고재용 Ko , Jae Yong. 목포해양대학교 해양시스템공학부 교수
  • 노창균 Noh Chang Kyun. 목포해양대학교 해양시스템공학부 교수
  • 장용기 Jang, Yong Ki. 목포해양대학교 해양운송시스랩학부 대학원 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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