

통신회사에 있어서 소비자 피해구제와 관련한 법적리스크 관리 - 미국 통신이용자 보호법제와 피해구제절차를 중심으로-


Legal Risk Management of the Telecommunication Companies Regarding the Resolution of the Consumer Complaints - Focusing on the U.S. Telecommunication Consumer Protection and the Process of the Resolution of the Consumer Complaints -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Resolution of the customer complaints is a major issue of the legal risk management in the telecommunication service companies since the companies provides various services to the customers. If the complaints of the customer were not dealt with timely, the customer would apply a formal or informal relief to the government agencies or claim a suit against the company. Formal process or litigation would damage the companies' image to the public as well as the reputation and trustworthiness of the service of the companies. This article introduce the U.S. consumer complaints resolving process regarding telecommunication services by the FCC and the state utilities commissions. In the U.S. Consumer and Government Affairs Bureau(CGB) under the FCC has formal and informal process to resolve the consumer complaints. If telecommunication companies refuse to resolve the complaints voluntarily, the complaining customer can use such formal or informal process in FCC. Especially application process of the informal complaints to the CGB is easily available to the customers since it allows to use mail, fax, email, telephone, and even online. Moreover, the informal process is very speedy resolution compared to the formal resolution. The Consumer Policy Division in the CGB prepares regulations to prevent repetitive complaints of the customers by monitering such complaints. In California, California Public Utilities Commission(CPUC) provides informal and formal resolution of the customer complaints regarding telecommunication service. It even provides alternative dispute resolutions. Especially the alternative dispute resolutions under the CPUC is very speedy process. Usually the disputes are resolved by the ADRs within half or two days. Considering the increase of the number of the consumers and complaints in telecommunication service industry, it needs similar process to resolve consumer complaints by the speedy informal process. The example of the U.S. informal and formal process to resolve the consumer complaints implies to telecommunication companies the trend how to manage the legal risk regarding consumer complaints in the future.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 미국 통신이용자 보호법제
 Ⅲ. 미국 통신이용자 피해구제절차
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 윤성승 Sung-Seung Yun. 아주대학교 법학전문대학원 교수, 법학박사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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