농업·농촌발전을 위한 정보통신기술 적용의 도전과 장벽
피인용수 : 0건 (자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)
1. Introduction
2. Information Technology and the New Economy: Lessons from the US Experience
3. IT’s Way to Agricultural and Rural Developments: High Expectations and Wish List
3.1 Major Features of IT
3.2 A Wish List for IT
4. Attempts at Catch-Up in Rural Korea
4.1 IT Application in Rural Korea
4.2 Oigital Oivide in Korea
5. Digital Oivide in Digital Wasteland
6. Concluding Remarks
1. Introduction
2. Information Technology and the New Economy: Lessons from the US Experience
3. IT’s Way to Agricultural and Rural Developments: High Expectations and Wish List
3.1 Major Features of IT
3.2 A Wish List for IT
4. Attempts at Catch-Up in Rural Korea
4.1 IT Application in Rural Korea
4.2 Oigital Oivide in Korea
5. Digital Oivide in Digital Wasteland
6. Concluding Remarks
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보