


가스 자동차의 지하 주차 시 위험성 분석


A Study of Risk Analysis for Underground-parking of Gas Vehicle

이광원, 김태훈, 오동석, 오영달, 서두현, 신수일

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



We studied the risk analysis of fire and explosion caused by gas leak in underground-parking of gas vehicle. However, an entrance regulation of gas vehicles (H2/LPG/CNG etc.) to underground garages has not been enacted in Korea. Incase, a gas explodes in an underground parking garage placed in overcrowded residential area, such as an apartment, the scale of the damage would cause tremendous disaster. Faults of vehicle parts and management problems were evaluated by using the Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA), which is a qualitative analysis method. The range of the damaged area by the explosion and the damage scale by the explosion pressure were analyzed by using the process hazard analysis software tool (PHAST). The study is expected to facilitate enactment of the regulation for the underground parking to restrict the gas vehicle.


 1. 서론
 2. 프로판 혼합비에 따른 LPG 위험성의 이론적 고찰
 3. LPG자동차 보급현황 및 안전관리 실태
  3.1 LPG자동차 보급현황
  3.2 LPG자동차 안전관리의 실태
 4. LPG자동차의 시스템 분석
 5. 안전성 평가 기법
  5.1 FMEA
  5.2 PHAST
 6. 안전성 평가 분석
  6.1 콘크리트 건물의 피해정도(13),(14)
  6.2 FMEA 분석
  6.3 PHAST 분석
 7. 결론
 8. 감사의 글
 9. 참고문헌


  • 이광원 Kwang-Won Rhie. 호서대학교 안전공학과
  • 김태훈 Tae Hun-Kim. 호서대학교 산학협력단
  • 오동석 Dong-Seok Oh. 호서대학교 안전공학과
  • 오영달 Young-Dal Oh. 호서대학교 안전공학과
  • 서두현 Doo- Hyoun Seo. 호서대학교 안전공학과
  • 신수일 Soo-il Shin. 호서대학교 안전공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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