


Dopamine Premixed System과 Prefiled System 사용에 대한 경제성, 오염률, 사용편리성의 비교연구


Comparison of Supply Costs, Contamination Rates and Convenience between Dopamine Premixed and Prefilled Systems

오윤경, 민명숙, 민용원, 최경업, 성영희, 조용애, 위미숙, 복혜숙, 서지영



Dopamine is an effective pressor for the treatment of shock and hypotension when patients do not respond to plasma volume expansion. Two dopamine intravenous delivery systems are currently available in Korea. The objective of this study was to compare dopamine premixed with prefilled system in terms of supply costs (preparation costs + personnel time), contamination rates and convenience. Time-and-motion studies were conducted to determine the time and costs associated with preparation and administration of the two systems. They were analyzed and compared by Mann-Whitney test. To evaluate the contaminaton rates of the two systems, both systems were prepared in an open environment similar to that of practical situations. Premixed and compounded solutions were then filtered by membrane filters, which were cultured at for 10 days and their contents were visually checked for bacterial contamination. The convenience of the two systems was compared by itemized user assessments on preparation, dose calculation, admixture, administration and disposal of waste matters. They were analyzed by Wilcoxon's signed rank test and 100 part percentage. It was found that the preparation costs for premixed and prefilled systems were (Korean currency) and , respectively. The preparation time for premixed system was while at for prefilled system was (n=59 each, p<0.001). No bacterium was observed in the samples of both systems (n=20, each). User assessments indicated that the premixed system was more convenient than the prefilled system except for the item of dose calculation (n=24, p<0.001). Subjective evaluations have proven that the use of the dopamine premixed system resulted in increased efficiency of intravenous preparation by allowing personnel to devote more time to other labor-intensive duties and lower total medical costs.


  • 오윤경
  • 민명숙
  • 민용원
  • 최경업
  • 성영희
  • 조용애
  • 위미숙
  • 복혜숙
  • 서지영


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