The aim of this study was the evaluation of step types on one-two straight in boxing. For this study, 8 male boxers of K University were participated in the experiment. The two phases that composed of three events on one-two straight motion were analyzed on vertical force of GRF. The seven infrared cameras (Qualisys MCU-240) were used to acquire raw data, and then the Matlab6.5 was used to process data. The sampling rates of a camera were 240Hz and the coordinate data were filtered using a moving average method filtering with 25frames after calculation. The conclusions were as follows: First, correlation between the height of right heel and linear velocity of left ankle was not statistically significant. Second, there were two types on one-two straight in Boxing. Third, time finishing vertical displacement of type A had longer than type B. And the GRF of type A decreases after 0.125 seconds but the GRF of type B decreases at the same time with beginning. Fourth, as for GRF with respect to types, step patterns of type B wad smoother than those of type A because GRF rate in relation time of type A larger than type B. In the future, it is desirable that we will study neuromuscular variables and coordination between lower and upper limbs in boxing.
Ⅱ. 연구방법
1. 연구대상
2. 연구의 제한점
3. 실험 도구 및 절차
4. 마커 위치
5. 분석 국면 및 이벤트
6. 자료 및 통계처리
Ⅲ. 결과
1. 우측발의 힐 높이와 좌측발 선속도와의 상관관계
2. 스텝 유형평가
Ⅳ. 논의
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언