


원․하청 관계와 사업주의 산업안전보건 책임 ― 영국의 입법 현황 및 판례 분석과 시사점


The Health and Safety Responsibilities of Clients and Contractors - The UK's Model and Its Suggestions


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article is aimed at situation where clients use contractors. It tries to analyze the general health and safety responsibilities of clients and contractors to protect each other and their workforce. These responsibilities, if not properly managed, can lead to events that could prove costly to all parties. This article mainly focuses on the United Kingdom's health and safety legislations and case studies showing what can happen when things go wrong. As well as the immediate effects, further consequences can arise from delays to the work itself and claims for damages. Even though the British occupational health and safety system is somewhat different from our country's system, this paper sums up the United Kingdom's laws and experiences to 3 parts. First, General Clauses at laws play important role in the British heath and safety system. Second, Throwing away common law doctrines, she introduces strict responsibilities on employers by statue laws. Last, There are special legislations on the high risk industry such as construction industry.


원ㆍ하청 관계와 사업주의 산업안전보건 책임
  Ⅰ. 들어가며
  Ⅱ. 산업안전보건법령의 체계와 원ㆍ하청 관계의 규율
  Ⅲ. 1974년 산업안전보건법 Section 3
  Ⅳ. 1974년 산업안전보건법 Section 4
  Ⅴ. 1999년 산업안전보건경영명령
  Ⅵ. 1992년 사업장(안전보건 및 후생시설)명령
  Ⅶ. 2007년 건설(설계 및 경영)명령
  Ⅷ. 나가며 - 영국의 원ㆍ하청 산업안전보건체계와 시사점


  • 전형배 Jun, HyoungBae. 강원대학교 법학전문대학원 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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