The effects of extract powder of fruits and veetables on hangover
Excessive alcohol consumption is known to cause hangover symptom attributed from several factors including the effects of compounds such as acetaldehyde that was produced as a result of alcohol's metabolism.
Alcohol oxidation to acetaldehyde is accompanied by free radical generation that can cause damage to our body.
With that, fruits and vegetables known by their antioxidant effects can be a potential treatment for hangover symptoms. The aim of this blind clinical study was to investigate the effectiveness of the powdered extract of fruit and vegetable in relieving the signs and symptoms of alcohol-induced hangovers. 20 healthy individuals were recruited and divided into control group and experimental group. As a result, breath alcohol concentration in the experimental group was significantly reduced in 4 hours (p<0.01). Furthermore, the survey questionnaires revealed fewer symptoms of a hangover in experimental group than in control. Taken together, we suggest that drinking of powdered extract of fruit and vegetable has the relieving potential in reducing severity in symptoms of ethanol-induced hangovers.
재료 및 방법
1. 연구설계
2. 피시험자
3. 실험재료
4. 실험방법
5. 호기알코올농도 측정
6. 혈액 분석
7. 활력징후 검사
8. 숙취 자각증상 설문조사
9. 통계분석
1. 활력징후 변화
2. 알코올 및 알코올대사산물 수준
3. 호기성 알코올농도 변화
4. 숙취증상 설문