The establishment of the capitalist economic system with a spontaneously organized a union for them against the law or with the employer in relation to national security and protect employee's on the side of three rights came to take an interest. Existence and activities of trade unions to gain legitimacy for the country and to secure independence for the employer was true because more important. But today, even if developed countries as well as the country's employment in accordance with changes in the environment has been the emergence of new employees. In addition, the union's illegal financial operations and decision making structure is the problem. These issues were examined in several aspects to improve. First, the union representing the problem of the representation is limited. Authorized the signing of a collective agreement with representatives of the union, but union representatives only if the abuse occurred and by the terms of the combination should be to limit the rights. Second, is to improve the transparency of financial operations. In order to improve the transparency of financial operations audit shall ensure the independence and professionalism. Finally, the abuses of labor union rights for the supervision and control system should be established. In addition, irregular employees shall endeavor to protect. These efforts for their members, as well as changes in consciousness and commitment is required.
Ⅰ. 문제제기
Ⅱ. 근로자대표의 의의와 노동조합
Ⅲ. 노동조합의 민주적 조직운영
Ⅳ. 노동조합의 민주성 확보를 통한 대표성 강화방안
Ⅴ. 맺음말