

웹 환경과 연동된 중소쇼핑몰 물류관리시스템 구현


Implementation of the Logistics Management System for the Small-Shopping Mall Based on Web Environment

김의창, 최세현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Development of integration management system needs to operate and manage internet shopping mall for customer, sale, product, stock, account management. The purpose of this paper implements of small shopping mall logistics management system as a plan to raise efficiency of management of the Internet shopping mall which was a representative business form of electronic commerce. Logistics management system operates an Internet shopping mall, progressed with the aim of construction of the management system that systematizes a member, a product, a stock, customer management, and can efficiently manage a total stock grasp and the amount of transaction of a product based on Web by real time.


  • 김의창 Yei Chang Kim. 동국대학교 전자상거래학과
  • 최세현 Sei Hyun Choi. 동국대학교 전자상거래학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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