

文化콘텐츠企業 價値評價를 위한 割引率 決定에 관한 硏究


A Study on Discount/Capitalization Rates for Valution of Culture Content Enterprises

문화콘텐츠기업 가치평가를 위한 할인율 결정에 관한 연구

김인철, 주형근

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is intended to suggest a more reasonable and practical method of estimating discount & capitalization rate for valuation of closely-held culture content business, that is, to modify the Buildup Summation Model(which is recommended for the closely-held business by the NACVA) by adopting the weighted ratings in the CT Project Investment Evaluation of the Korea Culture Contents Association to risk factors of the Buildup Summation Model. This method is ease to apply for closely-held culture content business and has advantages in applying the weighted rates based on the characteristics of respective culture contents. And it can make up for the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) which shows generally low discount rates.


  • 김인철 In-Choll Gheem. 한성대학교 디지털중소기업경영대학원 디지털중소기업경영
  • 주형근 Hyung Kun Joo. 한성대학교 디지털중소기업경영대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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