


Common Ground of Small Arts Organizations




Despite their high numbers and significant role in the cultural sector, small arts organizations (SAOs) have not received serious attention in the field of arts management and cultural policy. As part of a larger research (Chang, 2011) on how to support the creative vitality of small arts organizations, this paper examines their
common ground. It applies the method of multiple case narratives to 13 selected local SAOs and cross-references it with an in-depth case study on an emerging theatre. Although even the 13 SAOs revealed much diversity among them, when we look at their structure, operation, and finances, an important common ground emerges, which is their flexibility. They are informally organized, their workers are not necessarily specialized to carry out only one task, and they are self-subsidized in a variety of creative ways. Their flexibility enables SAOs to be innovative and is crucial for their creative vitality. Perhaps SAOs’ common ground can be a good model that other businesses can follow. This paper calls for future research on arts management strategies and cultural policy initiatives for small arts organizations.


전체 예술계에서 차지하는 다양하고도 중요한 역할에도 불구하고 소규모 예술단체의 경영 방법론과 이를 지원하는 각종 정책에 관한 연구들은 아직 기초단계에 머물러 있다. 소규모 예술단체에 대한 본격적인 연구의 일환으로 본 논문에서는 미국 지역의 13개 소규모 예술단체에 대한 다중 이야기 분석연구(Multiple Case Narrative method)와 하나의 소극단에 대한 심층사례연구 (Case study)를 교차분석하여 소규모 예술단체가 공유하는 구조, 운영방법, 그리고 재정의 공통분모를 도출한다. 그 공통분모는 소규모 예술단체의 유연성(Flexibility)으로 귀결되는데, 이러한 유연성은 소규모 예술단체의 경영에 있어 무엇보다 중요한 혁신성과 창조적 역동성을 지속시켜주고 있다.


 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. Research Design
 Ⅲ. Brief Sketches of the Small Arts Organizations Includedin this Research
  Columbus Landmarks Foundation
  Couchfire Collective
  Dove Arts Project
  Glass Axis
  Jared Mahone & J.A.M. Sessions
  Kiaca Gallery
  MadLab Theatre and Gallery
  Phoenix Rising Printmaking Cooperative
  Spirit Filled Productions
  Thiossane West African Dance Institute
  Westerville Symphony Orchestra
 Ⅳ. Common Ground among the SAOs under Study
  Common Ground in the Structure of SAOs: Flexible to be Informal
  Common Ground in the Operation of SAOs: Everybody Does Everything
  Common Ground in SAOs’ Finances: Business or Personal Commitment?
 V. Discussion, Implications, and Recommendations


  • Woong Jo Chang Post-doctoral Researcher Arts Policy and Administration Program The Ohio State University 1961 Tuttle Park Place, Office 108 Columbus,OH43210-1201,U.S.A.


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