


병원 의료기사의 이직의사와 관련된 요인 분석


Factors affecting the intention of turnover among of hospital medical technicians

정원미, 손태용

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study attempts to analyze the factor affecting the intention of turnover among hospital medical technicians. Data was collected from 125 employees in a seven hospital and one clinic located in Kyung-gi Do, Korea, using a self-administered questionnaire.
Self-administered questionnaire were given to study the hospital and socioeconomic characteristics, working conditions, job satisfaction level, and the reasons for turnover among the hospital medical technicians. The major finding were as follows;
1. Job position had a statistically significant relationship with intention of turnover to another hospital. According to age, marital status, educational level, the intention of turnover was statistically significant relationships.
2. Hospital characteristics had not a statistically significant relationship with intention of turnover to another hospital. That is, the intention of turnover was generally higher county region and small-sized hospital workers than urban region and large-sized hospital workers.
3. Generally, those who were not satisfied with the opportunity for developing the personal ability and promotional opportunity showed a higher tendency towards to turnover.
Also, those who did not sustain good relationship with their superiors and co-workers showed a higher tendency towards to turnover.
4. Those who were had negative attitude on their job showed a higher tendency for turnover.
5. In the result of multiple regression, job position, job satisfaction were significantly related to intention of turnover.
The above indicate that job satisfaction and organizational culture to promote their ability and form a good relationship with organization members were very important to decrease the intention of turnover.
Since these results represent seven hospitals and one clinics from a limited area, more hospital nationwide, especially small-sized institutions where there is a high turnover rate of employees, need to be examined in order to investigate the various factors that affect the intention of turnover.
Due to lack of avaliable research material, the doctors and the nurses group of the hospital haven't been reported in this study. However, this empirical survey of the hospital medical technicians has significant merit.


  • 정원미 Jeong. Won-mee. 인하대학교 재활의학과
  • 손태용 Sohn. Tae-Yong. 유한전문대학 의무행정과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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