


좌측 공간으로의 불빛 자극이 편측무시의 감소에 미치는 영향 : 단일사례연구


The Effects of Blinking Light in the Left Space to Unilateral Neglect: Single Subject Research Design

오윤택, 김문정, 장기연

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Unilateral neglect has been the most considerable problem that affects the functional prognosis of CVA patients. The approaches to this symptom are both remedial and compensatory approach. Remedial approach is more valuable method than compensatory approach in terms of reducing the unilateral neglect originally. One of the method of remedial approach is controlled sensory stimulation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of left visual stimuli for reducing the severity of unilateral neglect. The subject was a 40-year-old male patient who had left unilateral neglect. We have put blinking light in the left space of the patient while he performed the line bisection test before and after the stimulation. As a result, the stimulation was not
distinctively effective to release the neglect. For further study. it is considered that the environment when stimulating, the strength and duration of stimulation must be controlled.


  • 오윤택 O, Yun-aek. 연세재활병원 작업치료실
  • 김문정 Kim, Mun-Jung. 연세재활병원 작업치료실
  • 장기연 Chang, Ki-Yeon. 연세재활병원 작업치료실


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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