


법제도 선진화를 위한 입법법제교육기구의 역할과 함의 -법제교육원과 의회대학원 설립 논의를 중심으로-


The Role and Implications of Legislation Educational Institutions -The Establishment ‘National Assembly Graduate School’ and ‘Legislation Education’ around-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The core of the creative legalism era is to enhance the legislative ability of public officials working in public sectors and enlarge legislative participation(legislative right) of citizens. It is very important and necessary to consider how to specialize and popularize legislative knowledge. Specialists in legislation are also needed to transfer from the competitive politics-based culture of struggle and conflict to the competitive policy-based culture of legislation. Legislative education customized by stages and levels should be served through the Assembly School and the Legislative Education Service, the specialized education institution for the legislation. The education should be served to the general public in various fields and qualified specialists such as the National Assembly organization for the legislative support and aids, local council members and belonged public officials, public officials of the local government and the public institution, civic groups and specialist in involved fields, and lawyers, etc. On the basis of the enhancement of the legislative education and specialists in legislation, it is expectable to decrease social opportunity cost and enhance the national competitiveness and productivity by solving many conflicts and demands in advance through the legislative process rather than by solving conflicts afterward through the juristic process. It is hoped for lawyer and lobbyist to expand their roles in the social contribution by enlarging the market of legislative services. The Assembly School and the Legislative Education Service have common purpose in the intention to enhance the legislative right of citizen and raise the quality and fairness of the legislative system or bills through the popularization of legislative knowledge. It is hoped for the Assembly School and the Legislative Education Service to be the cradle of historical development to take a major step forward the advancement of the law system and the creative legalism era.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 입법역량의 결핍과 입법전문인력 육성 과제
 Ⅲ. 입법법제교육 현황 : 의정연수원ㆍ법제처ㆍ법학전문대학원
 Ⅳ. 입법법제교육기구 설립 논의 검토
 Ⅴ. 법령근거 및 정부소속 교육연수기구 현황과 시사점
 Ⅵ. 맺음말


  • 이경선 Lee, Kyung Sun. 법제처 법제도선진화담당관실 연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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