

蕭颯의 小說에 관한 小考


소삽의 소설에 관한 소고


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The death of Jiang JieShi(蔣介石) didn't only mean the disappearance of the individual. It meaned the fall of the patriarchal power structure and the collapse of the puritanical culture. The strong desire for the political democratization in the late 1970s of Taiwan was an inevitable consequence of high growth of 1970s, and the vitalization of the female discourse and feminism was based on the change of political authority and the diversification of cultural discourse. These new streams became the foundation of the birth of the female literature. The second-generation woman writers brushing round in the 1980s agonized over the identity as a taiwanese and a female. They experienced the political democratization and the high economic growth, and began to pay attention to the Taiwan's destiny and taiwanese reality. XiaoSa(蕭颯) is a representative of the second-generation woman writers. XiaoSa's fictions embodied various characters all types of strata in the Taiwan society. In this sense, we can say her fictions are a mirror of the concrete life of Taiwan woman in the 197,80s. Her fictions can be divided into three types according to her critical mind: adolescent delinquency, spouse' infidelity and the revelation of female consciousness. Her fictions that deal with the adolescent delinquency presented a question of family disorganization and human alienation under the shadow of high economic growth. Those dealing with the spouse' infidelity propounded the crisis of the family and spouse standing on the border between the premodern represented by feudal androcentrism and the modern represented by New feminism. In this context, her fictions dealing with the revelation of female consciousness are said to be the climax of her critical mind. By the way, the structure of her fictions dealing with the revelation of female consciousness gives an impression of being too schematized because of the obvious antagonism between an incompetent or patriarchal male and a wise, good wife, that is, the structure that the female's subjective change is begun only when the male is situated as a female's opponent. And that the author's critical mind is still in the personal and economic independence is the author's historical limit of being locked by her own experience.


1. 들어가면서
 2. 蕭颯의 小說 創作
  1) 청소년문제
  2) 배우자의 不貞
  3) 여성의식의 발현
 3. 蕭颯 소설의 顚覆的 敍事
  1) 여성―賢婦와 惡母
  2) 남성―愚夫와 劣父
  3) 집과 家出
 4. 나오면서


  • 金垠希 김은희. 전북대학교 인문대학 중어중문과 교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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