


조직 구조적 속성이 군 재난관리체제의 효과성에 미치는 영향 - 국가적 재난을 중심으로 -


A Study on Influential Factors of the Organization Structure Attributes Regarding Disaster Management System of Korean Military - Focusing on National Disaster Level Occurrence -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Nowadays the characteristics of disaster eventually threaten all over the world by quick industralization, besides the level and size of disaster is getting larger and complexity than before, Thus diverse organizations and groups such as central and local government, related agencies, citizens, NGOs, companies including military are required to be forms as a multi-organizational cooperation system that is against the national disaster. Particular the role of military organization is getting becoming important agency to government. However disaster management is limited to be performed by R.O.K Army so far. and the practical military disaster management system is insufficient supporting by weak legislation and institutions. This research is focused on what attributions of organization structure of military should take to fit the characteristic of disaster. therefore this research deals with concepts of disaster management, organizational structure, contingency theory. The following consists of the research analysis. Firstly, the environment is comparatively stable. The forecasted highly possible characteristics of chronic disaster usually result in a general disaster rescue unit to be deployed in which disaster management utilizes a mechanistic structure which leads to an organizational structure to be formed. The research between Burns & Stalker and Lawrence & Lorsch portray that efficiency is the utmost pursued value. The official regulations are operated through units of definite fields which are stiffly applied with little discretion. The authority structure is being more centralized. Communications is usually done through a vertical passage with downward directions and orders plus upward briefing in accordance of accomplishment. The divisional structure is precise; the divisions are mutually connected so modification and combination consist of hierarchism in which mechanistic structure can be seen to be suitable. Secondly, the environment is very complicated. The lowly forecasted characteristics show acute disaster by customarily professional disaster rescue unit being involved with the disaster management portray an organic structure to be suitable for recuperation. Furthermore, the research undertaken by Burns & Stalker and Lawrence & Lorsch show the ultimate objective for survival is adaptability and division of the environment. The official regulations depend on the flexibility of the situation. The authority structure is becoming decentralized. The modification and integration of specialized divisions are communicated through lateral means of mutual negotiations. The division of structure seems to be indistinct which results in divisions to mutually duplicate. Moreover, the relationship of mutually inter-relying on each division loosens. A considerable sector are autonomic and independently operated, therefore an organic structure can be seen to be appropriate.


본 연구는 군의 재난관리체계의 구축방안의 세부적인 사항에 몰두하기보다는 국가적 재난시 재난의 특성에 따라 동원되는 군 재난관리체제가 어떠한 조직 구조적 속성을 갖추어야 하는가에 대한 연구중점을 두고 있으며 군이 국가적 재난시 투입된 사례를 만성재난과 급성재난의 유형에 따라 어떠한 문제점을 보였는지를 분석하였고, 이를 바탕으로 실증분석을 통하여 상황적합이론의 관점에서 재난의 특성에 따라 조직 구조 유형에 차이가 어떻게 나타나는지를 확인하여 이에 효과적인 군 재난관리체제가 갖추어야 할 구조유형을 제시함으로서 정책적 함의를 제공하는데 그 의의가 있다. 분석결과, 환경이 비교적 안정적이고 예측의 가능성이 높은 특징을 갖는 만성재난에 주로 투입되는 일반재난구조부대는 재난관리에 있어 기계적 구조에 대하여 비교적 긍정적인 인식을 갖는 것으로 나타났으며, 반면에 환경이 매우 복잡하고 예측의 가능성이 매우 낮은 특징을 보이는 급성재난에 주로 투입되는 전문재난구조부대는 재난관리에 있어 유기적 구조에 대하여 매우 긍정적으로 인식하는 것으로 나타났다. 결과적으로, 위의 분석을 통해 군 재난관리에 있어 부대유형에 따라 조직구조의 속성에 차이가 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 군은 국가적 재난시 부대유형별 적합한 조직구조를 설계함으로서 효과적인 재난관리가 이뤄질 수 있도록 해야 할 것이다.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 군 재난관리와 조직구조의 이론적 배경
  1. 조직 구조의 의의
  2. 상황적합이론의 의의
  3. 재난관리에 관한 선행연구 고찰
 Ⅲ. 연구의 수행체계와 분석틀
  1. 연구의 수행체계
  2. 사례분석
  3. 연구설계
  4. 실증분석 결과
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 김동혁 Dong Hyuk Kim. 육군3사관학교 교수부 행정학과에서 강의


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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