

제인 에어와 주변 인물들과의 관계유형 — 사르트르, 부버, 레비나스의 타자이론을 중심으로


Three Relationships between Jane Eyre and the others in Jane Eyre

정정호, 박선경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Any human-being can't live alone. Our self-recognition and subjectivity are deeply rooted in the relationship of many others, and we live with consciousness of the Other. In Jane Eyre, Jane comes into various others until she identifies herself independent subject with self-consciousness. Among the relationship-types, three Other theories of Sartre, Buber, Levinas could be properly appropriated and productively applied to the analysis of various characters around Jane Eyre. According to the Other theory of Sartre, the subject and the other never come into equal relations, dominate and neglect each other. As a result, the relationship only begets conflict and hate. But if the Other being to attack and control does not exist, and even this relationship is aggressive and selfish, the subject also can't get a proper identity. In theories of Buber and Levinas, however, also subject and the other exist as existence to support each other, they construct mutual relationship by interaction. The theories of Buber and Levinas is a propose alternative strategies against Sartre. Buber puts emphasis on ‘I-You' which is a relationship that stresses the mutual than ‘I-It'. The relationship of ‘I-You' is built on respect from difference of the Other, and the relationship of coexistence may maintained well without division. Furthermore, Levinas argues that responsibility for the Other is rooted within our subjective constitution. He based on the ethics of the Other, and stresses that we should accept others as inferior existence. Levinas insists that the most ethical and ideal relationship is to admit the difference of the other by devoting to them and serving and caring in mutual relationship. This thesis connects the theories of three philosophers to Charlotte Brontë's novel, Jane Eyre and then classify the characters around Jane Eyre into three types of human relationships from the perspective each theory. Especially, it is very interesting to change the relationship between Jane and Rochester dynamically and contain the three theories in the novel. Disscussion of the other in a novel can make it possible that we realize right perception of relationship with the other out of the opposition of dichotomy in the literary works. Also, it should be a wise strategy that any attempt to make a true understanding the others, is not simply for interpretation of literary works, but also for harmonious human relationship in general.


I. 서론
 II. 본론
 1. 사르트르( J. P. Sartre) - 타자의 시선 속에 갇힌 자아
 2. 부버 (Martin Buber) - 상호적 교류 속에서의 타자와 나
 3. 레비나스 (Emmanuel Levinas) - 무조건적인 돌봄과 희생 속에서의 타자와 나
 III. 결론


  • 정정호 Chung Ho Chung. 중앙대학교
  • 박선경 Sun Kyung Park. 중앙대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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