

논항구조 인식을 통한 한국어 동사 교육 방안 - 수여동사 '주다'를 중심으로


A Plan for the Teaching Method of Korean Verbs through Awareness of Argument Structure - Focused on a Dative verb 'juda'


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper proposes A Plan for the Teaching Method of Korean Verbs through Awareness of Argument Structure. Existing Korean verbs education consists of syntactic and semantic aspects. In syntactic terms, it mainly consists of individual case particles and pattern expressions training. In semantic terms, it mainly consists of polysemous words training. Despite the fact that such training for verbs progresses steadily, the errors of learners concerning the verbs have not decreased. This paper finds the reasons for these problems from not making the best use of the lexical properties of the verbs in existing educational contents and methods.
This paper includes syntactic and semantic properties of the verbs as educational contents. For example, dative verbs are three-place predicate that it is necessary to present ‘-ege’ component as an essential one. It is also useful in making correct sentences by using dative verbs. As a semantic information, it presents θ-role structure of dative verbs. Based on the existing discussion, this paper presents as follows: . This paper focuses on the cognition of the meanings of verbs that can be useful to understand the meanings and to make sentences. (Seoul National University)


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 배경
 3. 수여동사 및 그 논항구조
  3.1 수여동사의 정의
  3.2 수여동사의 논항구조
 4. 교육 방안
 5. 결론


  • 김용 Kim, Yong. 서울대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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