

청소년수련시설 현황분석 및 건립 기본방향 연구


A Study for the Current Status and the National Policy for Youth Facilities


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Meanwhile youth facility has played a central role as the basis of youth activities and has continuously sought the activation measures to meet a normal training activities by properly providing environment which coincides with the adolescents' diverse cultural needs according to the social change and the future changes trends. But starting from 128 private facilities 20 years ago, the current number of youth training facilities is 721 in 2010 – it means that their securing percent is just 1/30 of that of the developed countries. In particular, in the case of youth training center in which activities of lodging type can be undertaken, currently available capacity of the 6.2 million young students is only 23 percent. Thus, this study was aimed to provide the basic materials about the needed quantity and the basic direction in the national policy of the construction of the youth training facilities through the analysis of their installation and usage.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 청소년수련시설 현황분석
  1. 청소년수련시설 설치 근거
  2. 청소년수련시설 설치현황
  3. 청소년수련시설 유형별 이용현황
 Ⅲ. 숙박형 청소년수련시설 현황분석
  1. 설립주체별 설치 현황
  2. 숙박정원
  3. 이용현황 분석
 Ⅳ. 청소년수련시설 건립의 기본방향
  1. 보편적 청소년정책의 실현
  2. 수요자중심 청소년정책의 실현
  3. 청소년시설의 기반 조성
  4. 법정 목표
  5. 미래환경의 변화
  6. 교육환경의 변화
  7. 학교 수련활동 및 수학여행의 변화
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 유진이 Yoo, Jea-Nie. 평택대학교 청소년복지학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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