

한국폴리텍 순천캠퍼스는 어떻게 높은 취업률을 달성하였나?


How Did Polytech College in Suncheon Achieve a Remarkable Performance in Getting Job Rate?

김재원, 박양근, 김성회, 고진수

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study we attempt to investigate how Suncheon Polytech College achieved remarkable performance in getting job rate, Through this study we expect to draw some policy implication for universities and colleges which show low getting job rates. We investigated both literature and field surveys for the college, teachers and firms which hired Suncheon Polytech College graduates. The survey was performed in July-August in 2011. We identify the following as main factors which enable the college to have such remarkable getting job rate. Firstly, the college is well equipped with various training equipments and facilities including very modern facilities as well as some traditional equipment reflecting the fact that students may be hired by large firms as well s small and medium sized firms. Secondly we found that the students' selection system is closely related with getting high job rate. The selection system is unique, different from other universities and colleges. In short they select students not by academic ability but by their fitness to the firms after graduation. Professors are responsible in students' selection process. All the systems are based on how to satisfy changing demand in terms of academic and contents of the training. Thirdly the college emphasizes close link between education and industry. It is found that basically one professor is responsible of 10 firms where their graduate may want to go after graduation and 15 students. Fourthly they review educational content periodically. Curriculums and training contents are periodically revised in order to reflect changing industrial demand. Professors are responsible for curriculum changes. From the above we may judge that the college's whole system is characterized as demand deterministic in the sense that the system emphasize demand from the industries. Fifthly we may say that the success is due to the governmental support to the polytech colleges. The government support not only tuition and fees but also room, board and training costs. It gives benefit to the students of polytech colleges as well as the firms which hire polytech colleges graduates. The latter is significant in the sense that direct governmental support to the private industry is prohibited under the WTO system. Since welfare countries actually support workers.' training, firms of the nations which do not provide training for workers are discriminated against. Sixthly we may point out professors efforts which help training their students in obtaining national qualification examinations. We found that professors help students during the summer vacation. They teach students and visit firm even during the summer vacation. Thus we may conclude professors' continuous efforts may help students in getting job. We reviewed various factors which may help students in getting jobs. However, it is safe to say that no system is perfect. Thus we suggest few points for the further development of Suncheon Polytech College. We want to suggest the followings. We found that average students' expected wage and salary level is lower than the graduate of 4-year colleges and universities. Thus we recommend that more emphases should be given in the area of job related subjects especially in encouraging students to have strong pride in their job. Also considering the fact that they may have less opportunities in the promotion than 4-year college and universities graduates, we recommend to emphasize continuing and lifetime educations as well as leadership classes. Finally, we hope more governmental supports in polytech colleges considering the good performance in getting jobs of polytech colleges with the small number of students.


2011년 8월 교육과학기술부가 발표한 고등교육기관 취업률에서 한국폴리텍대학은 평균 85.6%로 가장 높았으며 그 중 순천 캠퍼스는 80.2%(2011년 3월)였다. 또, 한국생산성본부에서 실시한 2010년 졸업생 취업처만족도 조사에서 순천캠퍼스는 98.7로 전체 한국폴리텍대학 평균 94.9 보다 훨씬 높게 나타났다. 본 연구는 한국폴리텍대학 순천캠퍼스가 어떻게 높은 취업률과 졸업생취업만족도를 달성하였는가를 알아보는데 그 목적이 있었다. 이 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 문헌연구나 데이터 분석이 아니라 그 대학 의 독창적인 제도가 무엇인가를 알아보고, 그 제도의 운영실태를 현장에서 가서 직접 확인하는 방법을 선택하였다. 한국폴리텍대학은 학사운영 및 학생지도에 관한 제도로 자칭 FL(Factory Oriented Learning) 시스템 을 갖고 있었다. 이 시스템은 한국폴리텍대학이 기업만족형 인재양성을 위해 현장중심의 교육훈련과정 으로 자체 개발한 것이다. 이 시스템에는 기업전담교수제, 소그룹지도교수제, 프로젝트 중심교육, 실무 능력인증제, 취업멘토링제 등 다양한 제도가 있다. 이 시스템의 운영실태를 파악하고자 직접 학습현장을 보고 지도교수와 심층면담을 하였으며, 졸업생 이 취업한 기업현장에 가서 그들과 그들의 현장관리자들을 만나 면담을 하였다. 이 연구의 결론으로 높은 취업률과 졸업생취업만족도에 영향을 준 요인은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 교수 1 인당 각자가 15명 학생을 책임지도하고, 졸업생이 취업할 10개 기업을 전담관리를 하는 제도가 있다. 둘째, 학생선발시 학생의 능력 뿐만 아니라 졸업 후 취업의지를 고려해 선발한다. 셋째, 일정한 기간별 로 기업수요에 맞추기 위해 커리큘럼과 훈련내용을 재검토한다. 넷째, 전통적인 장비와 아울러 최신 기 종의 장비를 함께 훈련시킴으로써 다양한 기업에 취업할 수 있다. 다섯째, 여름방학 중 자격증 취득지 도, 전담기업 정기방문 등 교수들의 노력과 열정이 있다. 여섯째, 재학생에 대한 수업료, 수당, 기숙사 등 정부의 지원이 있다.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 한국폴리텍대학의 성격과 취업경쟁력
  2.1 대학의 성격
  2.2 교육과정
  2.3 시설장비 및 예산
  2.4 취업률
 Ⅲ. 재학생 현장중심교육시스템
  3.1 재학생 학사운영시스템: FL(Factory Oriented Learning) 시스템
  3.2 학생선발 및 소그룹지도에 대한 교수인터뷰
 Ⅳ. 졸업생 사후지도시스템
  4.1 졸업생 지도시스템
  4.2 기업현장 관리자 및 졸업생의 만족도 인터뷰
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 김재원 Jae-Won Kim. 한양대
  • 박양근 Yang-Keun Park. 한국폴리텍대학
  • 김성회 Seong-Hoi Kim. 국민대
  • 고진수 Jin-Soo Ko. 삼육대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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