

박남수의 초기시 연구 -1950~1960년대 시를 중심으로


A Study of Park, Nam-Soo’s Early Poems -Focusing on poems from the 1950s to 1960s


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper reviewed the works of Park Nam-soo in the context of them being post-war poems. Meanwhile, research into his poems as post-war poems has been mostly excluded in descriptions of literature history; however, this study was able to discover post-war signifiers revealed in his poems written during the 1950s and 1960s. The ritualistic aspect and the consciousness of atonement of bleeding in ruins shown in his poems are none other than for a new creation and take-off through a return to the origin, and this is associated with the “Discourse of Slash-And-Burn Farmers” by Lee Eo-ryeong. Through an analysis of individual works, it was found that he was poised in the position of post-war poets who had to prepare their own livelihood by “setting fire to” a wild land; however, the consciousness of original sin found in the poems of Park Nam-soo was not entirely faithful to the original sin doctrine of Christianity. This is because Christianity mentions an apocalyptic Messiah through original sin; however, Park Nam-soo is describing the creation of new life irrelevant to eschatology. The condition mark of darkness that is frequently used in his poems also shows dialectic sublimation while including his negative aspect and even overcoming that aspect. Therefore, darkness was found to be understood as a principle that enables one to proceed to the area of light and life at a higher tier. Also, the study analyzed his actual works by grasping several layers of eyes looking at darkness and ruins. In brief, this study is meaningful in that the study searched for signifiers concerning war by relating the poetic world of Park Nam-soo with the “Discourse of Slash-And-Burn Farmers” by Lee Eo-ryeong in the context of being post-war poems, which has been excluded and neglected, and identified the conscious or volitional factors of the poet who tried to criticize and overcome reality, focusing on the productivity of darkness and the possibility of the eye. Furthermore, the study even reviewed some works that revealed briefly his view of language.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 본론
  1. 어둠의 생산성과 視線의 가능성
  2. 현재의 始原化와 생성의 추구
 Ⅲ. 결론


  • 김효은 Kim, Hyo-Eun. 서강대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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