

최대의 적합성으로 본 자유직접화법: <엘리베이터에 낀 그 남자는 어떻게 되었나>를 중심으로


Free Direct Discourse in Terms of Maximal Relevance: Focus on “Whatever Happened to the Guy Stuck in the Elevator?”

조의연, 한미애

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to describe to what extent the literary style of free direct discourse has been shifted or preserved in a novel of Korean-to-English translation, “Whatever happened to the guy stuck in the elevator” by Kim Youngwha. This will be done within the framework of Relevance theory (Sperber & Wilson, 1995). What is argued for is the marked literary style of free direct discourse which produces stylistic effect is best accounted for in terms of maximal relevance; on the contrary, optimal relevance is relevant to the unmarked literary style of (in)direct speech. This paper has also found that no less than 50 percent of the literary style of free direct speech of the source text has been shifted to (in)direct speech in the English target text, making the poetic effect of the target text far less weakened than that of the source text. To describe the stylistic effect of free direct discourse, in this paper, we have subcategorized free direct discourse into strong and weak free direct discourse. What is shifted, no matter whether it is strong or weak, from free direct discourse to its weakened style amounts to 90 percents, making the stylistic effect of the source text neutralized in its target text.


 1. 머리말
 2. 문체의 개념
 3. 최대의 적합성과 문체번역
 4. 자유직접화법의 유형과 문체효과
 5. 사례분석
  5.1 사례분석 작품
  5.2 자유직접화법 분석
 6. 맺는말


  • 조의연 Cho, Eui-yon. 동국대학교(서울)
  • 한미애 Han, Mi-ae. 동국대학교(서울)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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