

기초어 凸의 음운·어형 변화 -[어]계를 중심으로


Transformation of Phoneme and Word Form on a Root Word 凸


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The object of this paper is to investigate changing word-forms and phonological transformation of 凸, which is assumed to be a pictograph of male sexual organ, under the assumption that Archaic Chinese 凸 as a root word has the same meaning with that of Korean. Based on Archaic Chinese reconstituted by several scholars, this paper studied Archaic Chinese 凸 and any other letters in detail. We established reflecting phoneme which our ancestors had pronounced when the Archaic Chinese had been permeated into Archaic Korean. We ensured that they were divided into [아], [어], [오], [우], [으], and they followed the rules on phonological transformation of Korean phonetics regularly. When the letters were changing their forms, they obtained new meanings. we discovered the presence of these forms in Ancient Korean, Middle Korean, Present Korean, and even in dialects. With this, basic letter 凸 turned out to be a Korean language, and its basic meaning might be 'male sexual organ', and its derivation meaning is 'long and thin', 'high', 'coming out', 'project', like penis. Also, we could identify the process of phonological transformation rules of 凸. These ensure that 凸 has been linked to present Korean from Archaic Korean


 1. 서론
 2. 우리말과 상고음의 관계
 3. 凸의 출현
 4. 凸의 의미와 반사음
  4.1 凸의 의미
  4.2. 凸의 반사음
 5. 凸(*[diɐt])의 변천
  5.1. [어]계의 변천
 6. 결론


  • 최춘태 Chun-Tae Choi. 계명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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