

정치 관련 신문 언어의 변화 양상 -키워드와 명사 관련어를 통해 본 2000~2009년의 변화 양상


The Usage Trends of Political Keywords in Newspapers

이영제, 강범모

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to analyze the keywords in the area of politics and their related words found in a large-scale newspaper corpus. These keywords and their related words can reflect the linguistic, social, and cultural changes in current Korean society(esp. with respect to politics). In order to analyze the changes and trends, we first extract several keywords in the political sections of four major newspapers which constitute the Trends 21 Corpus[2000-2009]. And then, by t-score analysis we extract the words related to the keywords. Once degrees of relatedness of words related to a keyword are measured by t-scores year by year, the increase or decrease of the relatedness of those words is analyzed first, by Mann-Kendall time-serial analysis and second, by regression analysis. We can summarize the changes of public interest in political situation in Korea as follows(through the years of 2000-2009). (a) Increase of the interest in ideology: "Jinbo"(the progressive), "Bosu"(the conservative), "Jungdo"(the middle), "Jwapa"(left wing), and "Upa"(right wing). (b) Changes of the interest in isms('-jueui'): Neo-liberalism, Liberalism, Pragmatism(increase) vs. Regionalism, Regional Emotion, Egoism, Authoritarianism(decrease). (c) Changes of the interest in political issues: Low-income class, Communication, Demonstration, Development(increase) vs. Reform, Corruption, Partisan(decrease). (d) Others: increase of the interest in Government, Constitutional Reform vs. decrease of the interest in North Korea, North Wind, Fairness


 1. 서론
 2. 연구 대상과 분석 방법론
  2.1. 연구 대상
  2.2. 분석 방법
 3. 정치 관련 키워드와 관련어의 변화 추이
  3.1. 키워드 <정치>
  3.2. 키워드 <개혁>
  3.3. 키워드 <선거>, <대선>, <총선>
  3.4. 키워드 <정부>, <대통령>, <정책>
  3.5. 키워드 <국회>, <정권>
 4. 정치적 관심사의 변화 양상
 5. 결론


  • 이영제 Youngje Lee. 고려대학교
  • 강범모 Beom-mo Kang. 고려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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