

공간계량분석방법을 이용한 부산 주택특성가격 모형 비교


The Comparison of Hedonic Housing Price Models in the Busan Housing Market using Spatial Econometrics Methodology


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is trying to find out the spatial econometrics model in order to reflect the true reality in the housing price analysis. Due to the influence of spatial autocorrelation with respects to the housing price in the housing market, the estimation of the OLS is not preferable. Then the spatial econometrics model reflecting spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity is the best alternative in terms of housing price estimation, probably. "Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things". More realistic spatial weight matrix and spatial model scheme, better performance in the housing price prediction. Therefore, this study can show that the model improvement by spatial model scheme can be achieved by the comparing the spatial econometrics models such as SAR(Spatial Autoregressive Models), SEM(Spatial Errors Models), SAC(General Spatial Models), and GWR(Geographically Weighted Regression). Depends on the perspective of methodology, the SAC and the GWR models are preferable in terms of global(nomothetic approach) or local(idiographic approach) point of view, respectively.


 I. 서론
 II. 선행관련연구
 III. 분석모형
  1. 주택가격 결정모형
  2. 공간적 자기상관(Spatial Autocorrelation)
  3. 공간가중행렬(spatial weight matrix)의 구성
 IV. 분석 자료 및 변수 설정
  1. 자료의 수집
  2. 변수의 선정
  3. 기초 통계량
  4. 공간가중행렬의 구성
 V. 분석결과
 VI. 결론


  • 정건섭 Kyoun-Sup Chung. 부경대학교 행정학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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