

한국, 중국, 일본의 지방행정에 있어서 행정실무계층의 역할과 부패유발구조에 관한 비교 연구


A Comparative Study on the Role of Public Practical Servants and the Corruption Structure in the Local Administration of Korea, China and Japan


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study try to compare with public practical servants' role and the corruption structure in the local administration of Late Chosun Dynasty, Ch'ing Dynasty and Japan. It focused on 1) comparison local clerks' role, 2) political, economical environment induced on corruption of local administration, 3)nepotism and culture of corruption friendly, 4)salary, 5) organization structure and personnel administration system of local clerk, 6)openness and conflict structure of local clerks' group inner, 7) abuse of discretionary power, control and response. Because local bureaucrats had no experience in their practical administration and were frequently changed by avoiding their natives, dismissal and resignation, they didn't know the condition of their post and the customs of local communities well and couldn't control local clerks' corruption. Local clerks were responsible for a host of duties related to the actual local administration including the collection of tax. However, there was no official salary system for these petty clerks. I found that the higher the power distance, the collectivism, and the level of uncertainty avoidance, the higher the level of corruption. These facts show that nepotism culture functions a corruption-inducing factor. We should attend to the newly emerging civil movement trying to realize participatory democracy, transparency, administrative ethics on the level of local administration.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
  1. 지방행정의 부패 개념과 선행연구
  2. 지방행정 부패에 대한 3국의 비교론적 고찰
  3. 분석틀
 Ⅲ. 조선, 청, 일본 지방행정에 있어서 행정실무계층의 역할과 부패유발구조 비교분석
  1. 행정실무계층의 역할 비교
  2. 지방행정의 부패를 유발한 정치ㆍ사회적 환경
  3. 연고주의와 부패친화적 문화
  4. 보수 문제
  6. 행정실무층의 개방성과 집단 내부의 갈등구조
  7. 행정실무층의 재량권 남용과 그들에 대한 통제 그리고 대응
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 이상엽 Sang-Yup Lee. 한서대학교 행정학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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