


조선 초기 『明皇誡鑑』과 『內訓』 - 여성에 대한 서책 간행과 왕권의 안정


Books for Woman and Strengthen Royal Authority - Publish The Lesson through in the Ming emperor and The Inner Teaching in the Early Chosŏn

조선 초기 『명황계감』과 『내훈』 - 여성에 대한 서책 간행과 왕권의 안정


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Lesson through in the Ming emperor(『明皇誡鑑』) and The Inner Teaching(『內訓』), compiled in the early Chosŏn period, are two of the most representative works on women of the time. In The Lesson through in the Ming emperor, the entire blame for the rebellion was shifted onto Ān Lùshān(安祿山), Yang Guifei(楊貴妃), and Yang Guozhong(楊國忠), much to the benefit of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (唐 玄宗). The Inner Teaching, which succeeded The Lesson through in the Ming emperor praised how the emperor's relatives in law never interfered with the power structure of the political system, and criticized the stewardship of the emperor's mother. The kings of early chosen were extremely cautious of potential threats to their reign, such as possible abnormal succession and political interference from the in∼laws of their wives. This is to say, the virtues that were advocated the most to women of the palace had to do with sustaining the patriarchal structures within the public sector. For the dynasty itself was the intended family to the wives of the king. Patriarchy functioned both as a political system and a means of control by linking filial piety and loyalty together in a holistic way, posting the king as its formats ruler. As the king fulfilled the role of the national father figure, he had to have submissive queens and concubines. Consequently, these women had to follow the order which was promulgated upon them according to the needs of the king. The women within the palace could not have any political or social relationships, and if they could not keep this order they would be considered as having caused a problem that threatened the dynasty from its foundations. The sustenance of the king's political power was done by maintaining patriarchy as a political system, by which the king could control his people. The cultural methods by which this was done were books one women, such as The Lesson through in the Ming emperor and The Inner Teaching.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 『명황계감』의 편찬
 Ⅲ. 『명황계감』의 내용
 Ⅳ. 『명황계감』과 『내훈』
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 최선혜 Choe, Seon-Hye. 한국교회사연구소


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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