The realm of Buddhism(dahrma-datu) and the world of all directions(Geviert-Welt)
Hwaeom-thought spoken on the realm of Buddhism(dahrma-datu) and Heideggers thought spoken on the world of all directions(Geviert-Welt) says a original world before our perception. Because of ‘dahrma-datu’ and ‘Geviert-Welt’ is the ontological world. So the two thought are similar in the ontological aspect. Considering a picture of two worlds, therefore two worlds are similar, and we can ascertain a similarity to Heidegger thought and Hwaeom-thought. further we are enough to show what the two thought are meeting and what the two thought provides guidelines for good life wished by contemporary men.
Ⅱ. 화엄의 세계 : 법계
Ⅲ. 하이데거의 ‘사방(사중물)’ 세계
Ⅳ. 화엄과 하이데거의 만남 : ‘법계’ 와 ‘사방(사중물)세계’
1. ‘연기로서의 법계’와 ‘세계의 세계화’
2. ‘무애로서의 법계’와 ‘사물의 사물화’
Ⅴ. 맺는 말