


丙子胡亂과 湖南義兵


Byeongja-Horan(the Ching's Invasion in 1636) and Honam Uibyeong(the Righteous Armies in Jeolla Province)

병자호란과 호남의병


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



After the event-Byeongja-Horan, the king Injo went all the way to Namhan-sanseong(Namhan mountain fortress) and gave message to the troops of Honam, southern region of the Korea. Since then, the Uibyeong(volunteer troops) started the actions, legitimately. It has confirmed that the troop of Honam was almost organized at the time of Byeongja-Horan(the Ching's Invasion in 1636). However, there were numbers of separated troops while it was one big frame that all troops were spread to Yeosan. It was broadly separated into three troops with three leaders, Yi Heung bal, Jo Su seong, and An Bang jun. The troop with leader, YI Heung bal, received order from Jeolla province chief, Yi Si bang, which was unified in the Mouicheong(organization of troop) in Yeosan. Although Uibyeong's leaders of each regions were selected and troops were formed, it was weakly assembled, so the accomplishment was also not great. On the other hand, the troops of Jo Su seong in Hwasoon region was formed with non-political people that resulted a strong union. The troop of An Bang jun centered with the political westerners(Seoin literati) also showed a strong assembly, regionally and scholastically. The troops of both present and past administrators led together as the council's request was less systematic than those troops that were led by particular leaders. When we see the constitution of people involved in these troops, most noblemen were involved with An Bang jun's troop. However, under Jo Su seong's troop, his own family members, servants, and farmers were engaged. The size of the Yi Heung bal's troop that was gathered in Yeosan seemed small, although it actually was not. Honam Uibyeong added with Jo Su seong's and An Bang jun's troops was a very extensive scale. These differences of each constitution of Honam troops brought some limits and troubles to leaders. Furthermore, it is an important fact here that there were many significant people who was also involved with Jeongmyo-Horan. For instance, An Bang jun was participated in the Imjin-Waeran(the Japanese Invasion in 1592), Yi-Gwal's rebellion, as a troop member, and later, he, again, involved in the Jeongmyo-Horan as a leader of a troop. In additions, those decedents of people who involved with those incidents were more likely to participate in such events. Meanwhile, there was a complications over the commandment between Jeolla province chief, Yi Si bang and Somosa(a troop commander) Jeong Hong Myeong, because of the disagreement came from their different opinions. Those who were not administrators of Joseon dynasty had thoughts of respecting the king and the Ming dynasty more importantly, but those who were involved with administration believed more significantly with the future of their political power. Honam Uibyeong asserted the justification from the beginning regardless of political affiliation.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 호남의병의 擧義 과정
 Ⅲ. 호남의병의 구성과 활동
  1. 李興浡 義兵陣
  2. 曺守誠 義兵陣
  3. 安邦俊 義兵陣
 Ⅳ. 맺음말-호남의병의 성격


  • 류창규 Ryu, Chang-Gyu. 남부대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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