


漢詩에 드러난 湖南 詩人의 忠節 意識 硏究 - 林億齡과 鄭澈을 中心으로


The poet's sense of loyalty for a limited time studies revealed Honam - Mainly Imeokryeong & Cheongchul

한시에 드러난 호남 시인의 충절 의식 연구 - 임억령과 정철을 중심으로


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, the loyalty of many seonhak Honam conscious people who mentioned in literature, the discussion is that what was evident. To this end, the literature of Honam is the most representative artists of the 16th century, who phrases mokreungseongse reul imeokryeong gwa Cheongchul works by targeting a limited time for discussion was deployed. Imeokryeong him well in imbaekryeong gwaui deureonadeut anecdotes section was a determined scholar. Literary works, and how these generic plain looked at whether they are embodied. Imeokryeong yi who pursue life with him at work showing a good attitude who gyoyu breakfast to discuss the work of the plain as the target of sihwadoen will host. As a result, a significant portion imeokryeong literary life, as in the section Sihwa could notice that. Cheongchul in the figures hyowoocheonggae hayeotdaneun is being evaluated. Cheongchul's hyowoocheonggae gareul in literature, I've seen has been poets particularly large proportion Cheongchul political figures of the 16th century, many different paths through history has been passed today. This part of the record to reflect the thesis was to deploy more capacity. Cheongchul was shown in the gukmun market consistently in the literature reveals a limited time bliss was chungeul. Spirit of Honam cool looking, it's the first study to refine the area of operations to consolidated hanmunhak today would consider an acceptable methodology to be.


Ⅰ. 序論
 Ⅱ. 節義의 林億齡
 Ⅲ. 孝友淸介의 鄭澈
 Ⅳ. 結論


  • 김진욱 Kim, jin-wook. 조선대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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