Economic Analysis of the Storage Systems
Electricity demand is concentrated in the summer. Peak times to fulfill the electricity needs should be a huge capital investment. So, it is urgent to spread thermal storage cooling system and the need is expected to become even more important. When compared with other common air-conditioning systems, thermal storage system is effective and economical, because power demand concentrated in the daytime use surplus power of night time. In this study, thermal storage system and Gas Absorption are divided by the capacity and a simple payback period by comparing initial investment and energy consumption is calculated to analyze the economics of thermal storage systems.
1. 서론
2. 축열시스템의 경제성 분석 조건 설정
2.1 대안선정
2.2 지원금
2.3 에너지 단가
2.4 전부하상당운전시간
3. 경제성 분석
3.1 초기투자비
3.2 에너지 비용
3.3 회수기간
4. 결론