

현대 구미 박물관 교육의 중요 쟁점과 그 시사점에 관한 연구


The Contemporary Issues in Museum Education and Its Implication on Korean Museum Education


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper focuses on examing the contemporary issues in the field of the museum education in U.S. and other European countries in other to provide the theoretical frames for museum education in Korea. For this examination, I divided current issues into five categories of museum philosophy, multiculturalism, the partnership of museums with schools, the qualification of museum educator, and visual culture studies. First, for the studies of museum philosophy, I introduced the concepts of a post-museum, the trans-cultural identity of museums, a forum-like museum, and a therapeutic museum and analyzed its promises and drawbacks into Korean museum education. Paricularly, I emphasized that Korean researchers and practitioners need to pay attention to the theories of de-colonialism to understand the development of Korean museums under Japanese colonization, to assess the needs of museum education, and to suggest the future direction for it. The second topic that I discussed is multiculturalism. I provided the historical analysis of multiculturalism in museums, which was initiated from accepting the differences among diverse cultural groups but developed toward building the interests in socially and culturally marginalized groups. I also pointed out the urgent needs to include multiculturalism into comprehensive working systems in Korean museums, beyond expanding the access to museums and introducing Korean culture to the member of multicultural family. As the third issue, the diverse examples of school-museum partnership such as project MUSE and New York City Museum School were provided. Not only the lack of curriculum theory for museum education but also the difficulty of curriculum development was discussed. As well, its potentials, needs, and promises were discussed. The forth topic is about the qualification of museum educators. I reported the emphasis of qualification was changed from art history only toward balancing with education, technology and strong communication skills. Finally, the need of study toward visual culture into museum education was discussed. Even though visual cultures in museum education have not been actively studied yet in U.S. the possibilities of visual culture studies through aesthetic education, reflective/critical pedagogy, and post-museum were challenged.


전통적으로 박물관은 공공의 이익을 위하여 소장품 또는 예술 작품을 수집하고, 보존하고, 전시하는 장소였지만, 이제 박물관은 "교육"이라는 수단을 통하여 관람객들을 적극적으로 박물관 안으로 수용하려고 하고 있다. 박물관이 교육 기관으로서 관람객들과 적극적인 소통의 장소가 되기 위해서는, 관람자 연구를 비롯한 박물관 교육에 관한 다각적이고 전 방위적인 연구가 요청된다. 그러나 현재 한국의 박물관 교육에 관한 연구는 박물관에서 행해지는 교육 프로그램의 개발과 적용 그리고 평가에 초점을 맞추어 단편적으로 이루어지고 잇는 실정이다. 이에 본 논문은 박물관 교육이 교육 프로그램에 국한 된 것이 아닌, 박물관의 전시와 행정 그리고 나아가 소장품에 대한 해석과 박물관의 비전에 걸쳐져 있는 것임을 조명한다. 이를 위해, 구미의 박물관 교육의 중요 쟁점들을 박물관 교육의 목적, 다문화주의, 박물관과 학교/교육과정, 에듀케이터의 교육, 시각문화교육의 다섯 가지 항목으로 분류하고 각 쟁점들을 소개 하고자 한다. 나아가, 이러한 쟁점들이 한국의 박물관 교육에 시사하는 점을 고찰한다.


 박물관교육의 목적
 박물관과 학교/교육과정 연구
 에듀케이터의 교육


  • 최성희 Sung-Hee Choi. 피츠버그주립대학교 미술교육과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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