Non-linear Dynamic Response Analysis of 2-Story Steel Structure According to using Seismic Isolation Device
In this study, non-linear dynamic response analysis were performed with 2-story steel structure. The purpose is to confirm the dynamic response characteristics of the base-isolated structure. The seismic isolation device was modeled as a shear element and the hysteresis model for isolation device was based on material test. The damping ratio of the seismic isolation device couldn't be finded from the shaking table test. Damping ratio applied the whole base-isolated structure. There were two variables, one of them is scale of input seismic wave, another one is damping ratio.
As the result of dynamic response analysis of the non-isolated structure, there were similar to compare with results of test and results of non-linear analysis. And the result of the analysis as the variable to scale of the input earthquake wave and damping ratio, the scale of the input earthquake wave was bigger, damping ratio of the whole structure by the base-isolated structure was increase.
1. 서론
2. 선행연구의 개요
3. 비선형 동적응답해석
3.1 해석모델
3.2 해석방법
4. 해석결과
4.1 비면진 실험체
4.2 면진 실험체
5. 결론