A study on the Transition Process of Weather bureau in Modern period
근대기 측후소 건축의 변천과정에 관한 고찰
The purpose of this study is collecting a database to research the geographical distribution and architectural features of meteorological facility from the new construction and transitional process of weather bureau in modern period. Before 1904, the geographical distribution according to the meteorological facilities were divided into a total of four periods. Modern meteorological observations before 1904 were began in customs of treaty ports within Busan, Wonsan and Incheon. But after Russo-Japanese War, gradually increase in the number of facilities will be distributed in each region of the country.
1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
2. 近代期測候所建築의 변천과정
2.1 러·일전쟁 이전 시기(~1905)
2.2 러·일전쟁 및 이후 시기(1904~1910)
2.3 기상업무의 전환기(1910~1930년대 초반)
2.4 전시체제로의 변환기(1930년대 중반~1945)
3. 결론