

A New PCA Cluster-Based Granulated Algorithm Using Rough Set Theory for Process Monitoring



A new PCA algorithm is introduced, utilizing a rough cluster-based granulation scheme for segmentation of multivariate time series and process monitoring purposes. This granulated cluster-based algorithm can be used for segmentation of multivariate time series and initialization of other partitioning clustering methods that need to have good initialization parameters. The proposed algorithm is suitable for mining data sets, which are large both in dimension and size, in case generation. It utilizes Principal Component Analysis (PCA) specification and an innovative granular computing method for detection of changes in the hidden structure of multivariate time series data in a bottom up cluster merging manner. Rough set theory is used for feature extraction and solving superfluous attributes issue. The algorithm has been tested on an artificial case study. The resulting performances show the successful and promising capabilities of the proposed algorithm.


 1. Introduction
 2. PCA-Based Data Transformation
 3. Rough Set Theory
 4. The Granulation Method
 5. Similarity Matrix
 6. Bottom-Up Cluster Merging based on Similarity Matrix
 7. Case Study
 8. Conclusion


  • Hesam Komari Alaei Research and development department, National Iranian Gas Company, Khorasan Razavi Province
  • Seyed Iman Pishbin Research and development department, National Iranian Gas Company, Khorasan Razavi Province
  • Karim Salahshoor Department of Automation & Instrumentation Petroleum University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


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