피인용수 : 0건 (자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)
In this paper we propose a model of bone remodeling which takes in consideration the elasticity with damage properties of the material. Also the non linear equation of the bone apparent density is solved by a finite difference method, particularly a model with n unit elements. We will study the influence of damage damping on the adaptation of the structure under the effect of a controlled mechanical loading.
1. Introduction
2. Model Geometry with n unit Elements
3. Evolution Law of Bone Density
4. The Young's Modulus
5. Resolution
6. Discussion of Results
6.1. Case 1: n m, d = 0 (without damage)
6.2. Case 2: n m, d 0 (with damage)
6.3. Case 3: n m, d = 0 (without damage)
6.4. Case 4: n m, d 0 (with damage)
7. Conclusion
1. Introduction
2. Model Geometry with n unit Elements
3. Evolution Law of Bone Density
4. The Young's Modulus
5. Resolution
6. Discussion of Results
6.1. Case 1: n m, d = 0 (without damage)
6.2. Case 2: n m, d 0 (with damage)
6.3. Case 3: n m, d = 0 (without damage)
6.4. Case 4: n m, d 0 (with damage)
7. Conclusion
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보