

제2세션 공공세계와 공공윤리

안드레아스 베버와 공공의 생명가치



Andreas Weber stresses the creative aspect in every expression of life that is also relevant to the ecological economics. We have to take living organisms not as a bunch of individuals who compete with each other and are basically atoms, but we have to see life as connected and mixed up from the beginning, and that on a certain level it is impossible to separate individuals from each other as public-common. It came to his head when He was swimming in a lake nearby his home, a short distance from Berlin. By the way, that lake looks a bit northern, similar to lakes in Estonia. In the water were other organisms - water is never just water, it always consists of many living organisms. He got the thought that we are always connected and that this connection is always poetically ecological - therefore the formulation of life politics. The matter of fact that we need nature not only for the ecosystems, but also for our psyche should motivate us to preserve and care it. We can only feel alive when we take part in life’s processes. They are not limited to human activity-there are others too like biosphere with which we are connected through our metabolism. The fact that we perceive this connection less and less is dangerous and we should care about nature' soul and beauty. Through that, we can protect life souls as public-common life value.


 Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 안드레아스 베버의 생태경제론
  1. 핵심자기의 자기생성
  2. 공공재산의 생태경제
 Ⅲ. 안드레아스 베버의 생명정치론
  1. 자기촉매의 생명자율
  2. 지적설계의 생명정치
 Ⅳ. 안드레아스 베버의 영혼치유론
  1. 생명영혼의 공공가치
  2. 아름다움의 공공치유


  • 카타리나 Laura Katariina Teder. Estonia, Tallin University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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