

제1세션 기조강연 : 공공세계 담론과 실천

유교와 기독교의 윤리관과 한국의 민주주의




This paper is an attempt to reinterpret the Confucian tradition in light of Western democracy. All traditions including the Confucian tradition are in need of a new understanding, a new interpretation, and a new application in light of other traditions. If a tradition ceases to transform itself, it will become a relic displayed in a museum. The Confucian tradition, for example, is now facing a new challenge from the Western traditions including Christianity. In this respect, this paper will concentrate on the comparative aspect of Confucian ethics and Christian ethics, Confucian humanism and Western democracy. Democracy is not an ideology but rather it is a form of institution. It is a form of “cracy” not an ideology. On the other hand, Confucianism has functioned as an ideology based on “Confucian humanism.” In this paper, I will examine the reasons for why democracy has not been developed in the East Asian culture in spite of the brilliant and powerful humanistic tradition and democratic principle found in the thoughts of Confucius, Mencius, and many other brilliant Confucian thinkers and scholars. The paper will also dicuss the nature of democracy in terms of “theory” and “practice,” principle and institution, ideas and implications, and the lack of the democratic institutional dimension in the Confucian tradition. This paper, furthermore, will try to relate the concept of human nature in both Confucianism and Christianity to the development of democracy.


 Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 한국사회의 지도적 이념으로서의 유교
 Ⅲ. 유교와 민주주의
 Ⅳ. 민주제도
 Ⅴ. 인간 이해
 Ⅵ.민주주의를 넘어서서(Beyond Democracy)


  • 노영찬 미국 조지메이슨 대학교 교수


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