

Decision-Making Model Research for the Calculation of the National Disaster Management System’s Standard Disaster Prevention Workforce Quota : Based on Local Authorities


SungSu Lee, Young-Jai Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this research is to develop a decision-making model for the calculation of the National Disaster Management System’s standard prevention workforce quota. The final purpose of such model is to support in arranging a rationally sized prevention workforce for local authorities by providing information about its calculation in order to support an effective and efficient disaster management administration. In other words, it is to establish and develop a model that calculates the standard disaster prevention workforce quota for basic local governments in order to arrange realistically required prevention workforce.
In calculating Korea’s prevention workforce, it was found that the prevention investment expenses, number of prevention facilities, frequency of flood damage, number of disaster victims, prevention density, and national disaster recovery costs have positive influence on the dependent variable when the standard prevention workforce was set as the dependent variable. The model based on the regression analysis-which consists of dependent and independent variables-was classified into inland mountainous region, East coast region, Southwest coastal plain region to reflect regional characteristics for the calculation of the prevention workforce.
We anticipate that the decision-making model for the standard prevention workforce quota will aid in arranging an objective and essential prevention workforce for Korea’s basic local authorities.


 1. Introduction
 2. Advance Research about the Results,IT, and Workforce Relatedto Disaster Management
  2.1 Factors influencing Disaster Management Results
  2.2 Disaster Management and IT
  2.3 Disaster Management and Human Resource Management
  2.4 Calculation Model for Public Employee Quota in Local Authorities
 3. Standard Prevention WorkforceQuota Calculation Model for Local Authorities
  3.1 Interview Investigation of Public Employees in Charge of Prevention in Basic Local Authorities
  3.2 Dependent Variables in the Standard Prevention Workforce Quota Model
  3.3 Independent Variables in the Standard Prevention Workforæ Quota Calculation Model
  3.4 Decision-Making Model for the Standard Prevention Workforce Quota
 4. Corrected Decísion-Making Model for the Standard PreventionWorkforce Quota
  4.1 Regression Analysis of the Standard Prevention Workforce Quota
  4.2 Empirical Comparison between Prevention Workforce Ouota in Local Authorities and the Standard Prevention Workforce Ouota
 5. Conclusion and Implìcations


  • SungSu Lee Ph,D. candidate, Graduate School, MIS Dept., Dongguk University.
  • Young-Jai Lee Professor. MIS Dept, Dongguk University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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