

A Study on Developing a Profitable Intra-day Trading System for KOSPI 200 Index Futures Using the US Stock Market Information Spillover Effect


Sun Woong Kim, Heung Sik Choi, Byoung Hwa Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recent developments in financial market liberalization and information technology are accelerating the interdependence of national stock markets. This study explores the information spillover effect of the US stock market on the overnight and daytime returns of the Korean stock market. We develop a profitable intra-day trading strategy based on the information spillover effect. Our study provides several important conclusions. First, an information spillover effect still exists from the overnight US stock market to the current Korean stock market. Second, Korean investors overreact to both good and bad news overnight from the US. Therefore, there are significant price reversals in the KOSPI 200 index futures prices from market open to market close. Third, the overreaction effect is different between weekdays and weekends. Finally, the suggested intra-day trading system based on the documented overreaction hypothesis is profitable.


 1. Introduction
 2. Data and Testable Hypotheses
  2.1 Data
  2.2 Testable Hypotheses
 3. Empirical Results
 4. Trading System Development
 5. Conclusions


  • Sun Woong Kim Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Business Information Technology. Kookmin University
  • Heung Sik Choi Professor, Graduate School of Business Information Technology, Kookmin University
  • Byoung Hwa Lee Candidate for Master, Graduate School of Business Information Technology, Kookmin University,


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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