

ASP(Application Service Provider) 서비스 사용자의 재구매 의사와 조직 이익에 미치는 영향요인 연구


A study on the factors influencing the ASP service users’ repurchase intent and organization benefits

김경규, 신호경, 김수현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



ASP service users’ needs for flexible and customized services to deal with changes in business environments and user contexts seems to be appealing due to the progress of technology and IT paradigm such as ubiquitous computing and web 2.0. Through the lens of expectancy confirmation and flexibility, we explored factors that influence users’ repurchase intent and organizational benefit in ASP services. With an empirical study, we examined information quality, service quality, flexibility, customization, user satisfaction, trust in ASP services can contribute to the repurchase intent and organizational benefit. In addition to, business type and company size are added to the research model as control variables for user satisfaction, trust, and repurchase intent. Our findings suggested that the service quality and flexibility significantly were cruicial determinant of user satisfaction in ASP services. Furthermore, user satisfaction significantly influenceS repurchase intent, and organization benefits were affected by repurchase intent. This study has important implications for academic researchers and practitioners who seek to understand factors that affect ASP service users’ repurchase intent and organization benefits.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 배경
  2.1 ASP 서비스
  2.2 기대일치 이론
  2.3 유연성 이론
 3. 연구가설
  3.1 정보 품질
  3.2 서비스 품질
  3.3 유연성
  3.4 맞춤화
  3.5 사용자 만족
  3.6 샤용자 신뢰
  3.7 재구매 의사와 조직 이익
 4. 연구방법
  4.1 표본 및 자료 수집
  4.2 연구 변수의 측정
  4.3 표본 자료의 특성
 5. 연구의 분석 및 결과
  5.1 측정 모형의 검증
  5.2 구조 모형의 검증
 6. 결론
  6.1 결론과 시사점
  6.2 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구 방향


  • 김경규 Kyung Kyu Kim. 연세대학교 정보대학원 교수
  • 신호경 Ho Kyoung Shin. 연세대학교 정보대학원 연구교수
  • 김수현 Su Hyun Kim. KT Corporatíon 차장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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