

Investigation on the Side Effects of Denormalizing Corporate Databases


Sangwon Lee, Namgyu Kim, Songchun Moon

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Corporate databases are usually denormalized, due to the data modelers’ impetuous belief that denormalization could improve system performance. By providing a logical insight into denormalization, this paper attempts to prevent every database modeler from falling into the denormalization pit. We indicate loopholes in the denormalization advocates’ assertions, and then present four criteria to analyze the usefulness and validity of denormalization; 1) the level of concurrency among transactions, 2) the database independence of the application program, 3) the independence between the logical design and the physical one, and 4) the overhead cost to maintain database integrity under various query patterns. This paper also includes experimental results to evaluate performance of denormalized and fully normalized structures under various workloads.


 1. Introduction
 2. Research Overview
 3. Fallacious Doctrine-Oenormalization for Performance Enhancement
  3.1 Transaction Concurrency Degradation
  3.2 Data Independence Infringement
  3.3 Boundary Wreck between Logical Model and Physical Model
  3.4 Increased Overheads Cost to Maintain Data Integrity
 4. Experiment for Performance Evaluation
  4.1 Average Response Time
  4.2 Response Time for Tables Joined
  4.3 Response Time for Read-Write Ratio
  4.4 Response Time for Number of Oueries per Minute
  4.5 Locks for Number of Oueries per Minute
 5. Conclusions


  • Sangwon Lee Ph.D Candidate, KAIST Business School
  • Namgyu Kim Assistant Professor, School of Business IT, Kookmin University
  • Songchun Moon Professor, KAIST Busi ness School


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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