

A Multi-Agent Negotiation System with Negotiation Models Changeable According to the Bargaining Environment


Sung Ho Ha, Dong-Sup Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Negotiation is a process of reaching an agreement on the terms of a transaction, such as price, quantity, for two or more parties. Negotiation tries to maximize the benefits for all parties concerned. Instead of using human-based negotiation, the e-commerce environment provides such an environment as adopting automated negotiation. Thus, choosing agent technology is appropriate for an automatic electronic negotiation platform, since autonomous software agents strive for the best deal on behalf of the human participants. Negotiation agents need a clear-cut definition of negotiation models or strategies. In reality, most bargaining systems embody nearly one negotiation model. In this article, we present a mobile agent negotiation system with reusable negotiation strategies that allows agents to dynamically embody a user’s favorite negotiation strategy which can be preinstalled as a component in the system. We develop a prototype system, which is fully implemented in compliance with FIPA specifications, and then, describe the benefits of using the system.


 1. Introduction
 2. Negotiations in B2B Electronic commerce
  3.1 Architecture of MANS/RNS
  3.2 Negotiation strategy
  3.3 CoIlaboration and messaging betvveen agents
 4. Implementation of the MANS/RNS
  4.1 Load balancing via mobile agents in a distributed environment
  4.2 The reusing of negotiation strategies
 5. Comparíson to other systems
 6. Conclusion


  • Sung Ho Ha Associate professor, School of Business Administration, Kyungpook National University
  • Dong-Sup Kim Senior researcher and engineer, Institute for Enterprise Content Management, IDS & Trust Co., Ltd.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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