

객체지향 지리정보시스템에서의 역할 기반 접근 제어


Role-Based Access Control in Object-Oriented GIS

김미연, 이철민, 문창주, 이동훈

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Role-based access control (RBAC) models are recently receiving considerable attention as a generalized approach to access control. In line with the increase in applications that deal with spatial data, an advanced RBAC model whose entities and constraints depend on the characteristics of spatial data is required. Even if some approaches have been proposed for geographic information systems, most studies focus on the location of users instead of the characteristics of spatial data. In this paper, we extend the traditional RBAC model in order to deal with the characteristics of spatial data and propose new spatial constraints. We use the object-oriented modeling based on open GIS consortium geometric model to formalize spatial objects and spatial relations such as hierarchy relation and topology relation. As a result of the formalization for spatial relations, we present spatial constraints classified according to the characteristics of each relation. We demonstrate our extended-RBAC model called OOGIS-RBAC and spatial constraints through case studies. Finally, we compare our OOGIS-RBAC model and the DAC model in the management of access control to prove the efficiency of our model.


 1. 서론
 2. 선행연구
  2.1 지리정보시스템(Geographic Information System : GIS)
  2.2 객체 지향 모델링(Object-Oriented Modeling: OOM)
  2.3 RBAC 모델
 3. 객체지향 지리정보시스템의 정형화
  4.1 공간역할과 공간역할계층
  4.2 공간접근권한
 5. OOGIS-RBAC 모델의 연관관계 제한조건
  5.1 공간영역에 의한 공간역할-공간접근권한 연관관계에 대한 제한조건
  5.2 공간클래스 계층관계에 의한 공간역할-공간접근권한 연관관계에 대한 제한조건
  5.3 공간객체 위상관계에 의한 공간역할 - 공간접근권한 연관관계에 대한 제한조건
 6. OOGIS-RBAC 모델의 적용 사례와효율성 비교
  6.1 OOGIS-RBAC 모델에 대한 사례
  6.2 DAC 모델의 사례
  6.3 OOGIS-RBAC 모델의 사례와 DAC 모델의 사례에 대한 비교
 7. 결론


  • 김미연 Kim Mi-Yeon. KT 인프라연구소 책임연구원, 고려대학교 정보경영공학전문대학원 박사수료
  • 이철민 Lee Cheol-Min. KT, 인프라연구소 책임연구원
  • 문창주 Moon Chang-Joo. 건국대학교 항공우주정보시스템공학과 조교수
  • 이동훈 Lee Dong Hoon. 고려대학교 정보경영공학전문대학원 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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