

가상기업의 형성을 위한 컨텍스트 기반 프레임워크


Context-Driven Framework for High Level Configuration of Virtual Businesses

이경휘, 오상봉

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper we suggest a context-driven configuration model of virtual businesses to form a business network model consisting of role-based, interaction-centered business partners. The model makes use of the subcontext concept which explicitly represents actors and interactions in virtual business (VB) context. We separate actors who have capacities on tasks in a specific kind of role and actor subcontext which models requirements in specific interaction subcontext. Three kinds of actors are defined in virtual service chains, service user, service provider, and external service supporter. Interaction subcontext models a service exchange process between two actor subcontexts with consideration of context dependencies like task and quality dependencies. Each subcontext may be modeled in the form of a situation network which consists of a finite set of situation nodes and transitions. A specific situation is given in a corresponding context network of actors and interactions. It is illustrated with a simple example.


  2.1 Terminology
  2.2 Problem Definition
  3.1 Virtual Business Context
  3.2 Subcontext Actor
  3.3 Subcontext Interaction
  4.1 Subcontext Linking and Composition
  4.2 QoS Computation
  4.3 Context-Driven VBC Modeling Procedure


  • 이경휘 KyungHuy Lee. 대전대학교, IT경영공학과 부교수
  • 오상봉 Sangbong Oh. 대전대학교, 정보통신공학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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