

The Differences of Influencing Factors on IOS Usage Intention between Adopters and Non-Adopters in Small- and Medium-Sized Firms



While the goal of new IT adoption in small and medium sized firms is to choose an optimal system to fit with their own environments and conditions, that of IT post-adoption usage is to fully implement new IT and maximize their benefits from it. Therefore, the decision-making environments of new IT adoption is definitely different from those of post-adoption. Also, The direct experience of IT usage can provide some learning effect and the change of users' beliefs on new IT. From this point of view, this study attempts to figure out the differences of influencing factors on IOS usage intention between adopters and non-adopters. The results show that there are clear differences of influencing factors between two groups. Non-adopter group shows that perceived financial cost and ability of use have significant influences on IOS usage intention, while relative advantage and perceived risk in adopter group have statistically significant influences on post-adoption usage of IOS.


 1 Introduction
 2 Methodology
  2.1 Research Questions
  2.2 Data Gathering
  2.3 Analysis
 3 Results
  3.1 Influencing Factors on IOS Usage
  3.2 The differences of Influencing Factors between Adopter and Non-Adopter
  3.3 Additional Analysis
 4 Conclusion


  • Ryu, Il School of Business Administration, Sunchon National University
  • Kim, Jae-Jon School of Business Administration, Chonnam National University
  • Cho, Geon School of Business Administration, Chonnam National University
  • Kim, Do-Goan School of Business Administration, Chonnam National University
  • Lee, Yun-Hee School of Business Administration, Chonnam National University


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