

Design of e-Catalog System using ebXML for connection Electronic Commerce and Enterprise Resource Planning



Recently, many companies and consumers are using Internet to sell and buy goods and manage their businesses. And for most companies, they have Electronic Commerce system and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. But the two systems manage separately and the data are not integrative. So it is hard to mangement the system alike and the costs may be higher than the system which has intergrated information. ebXML-based Electronic Catalog (e-Catalog) can provide intergrated information. In this paper, we took a manufacturing industry company for example. We planned to construct the e-Catalog System, analyze the products of the company as well as design e-Catalog system using ebXML to connect EC with ERPs.


 1 Introduction
 2 Related Works
  2.1 Electronic Catalog
  2.2 ebXML
 3 Analysis
 4 Design
  4.1 Database Design
  4.2 System Design
 5 Conclusions


  • Geum, Jin-Gwon Computer Information Engineering, Daegu Univ.
  • Wen, Liu-Yi Computer Information Engineering, Daegu Univ
  • Kwon, Young-Jik Department of Computer IT Engineering, Daegu Univ.)


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