

A Design and Implementation of the Source Code Plagiarism Detection System



digitalized. To make it worse, the development of various contents that be illegally copied and plagiarized are resulting in the increasing infringement on and the plagiarism of the intellectual property. This dissertation tries to put forth the method and the theory to effectively detect any plagiarism of the source code of programs realized in various languages. This dissertation analyzes the advantage and disadvantage of the plagiarism test software, and especially, presents a method to detect possible plagiarism by using the Pattern Matching to overcome its disadvantage. And it also intends to introduce more developed automatic detection system by overcoming the problems with the method of Pattern Matching.


 1 Introduction
 2 Detection of plagiarism using the pattern language
  2.1 Current research using Pattern Language
 3 Design of system to detect the software plagiarism
  3.1 The stage of Similarity directory companson
  3.2 Static Analysis stage
  3.3 Speculative Analysis stage
 4. System Implementation and Experiment
 5. Conclusion and future research


  • Ahn, Byung-Ryul School of Information Communication Engineering, SungKyunKwan University
  • Choi, Bae-Young School of Information Communication Engineering, SungKyunKwan University
  • Kim, Moon-Hyun School of Information Communication Engineering, SungKyunKwan University


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